Wednesday 28 October 2009


Balloon boy case hoax or truth? In the article “Prosecutors want more details in balloon boy case” by The Associated Press, looks deeper into the case of what the family actually knew he was at home and wanted publicity. First, they don’t know if they will need to do any more interviews. Next, they don’t know what charges they will press or when they will press the charges. Last, the cops believe it was a hoax because the family was relieved he was at home. The case clearly has a lot to be revealed before it is over.

Tuesday 27 October 2009


In the article “Anne Smith-One of 20 to Watch” by Karl Fish, comments on Mrs. Smith, an Arapahoe High School teacher, winning an award (20 to Watch) for teaching a technology advanced class. First, she gives her class the opportunity to express themselves through their thinking. Next, the use of technology in the class as raised the expectation for her and the students in the class. Last, the classes’ technology system improves the learning procedures in any classroom because it is something new. Clearly technology is being more integrated into society at all age groups.


In “Check the Wind First” David Warlick tries to get a message to the readers about opinions that most people don’t take into consideration. First, all the knowledge has to be known to take a side in a scenario otherwise people may believe a lie and cause something bad to happen. Next, the side someone takes has to be the side they want to take not the side that everyone else is on or the side they are pressured into, the side that they believe in. Last, an opinion should come from the people that are evolved not from an outside force like in sports everyone wants to be a fan of the winning team not the team they actually like. Obviously David has good points and sights into opinions because opinions don’t seem to be a personal idea but an idea based off society.

Tuesday 13 October 2009


In the article “Our googley advice to students: Major learning” by Peter Drunker, communicates what students need to be prepared for to succeed in any business just like “Rigor redefined”. First, people have to be able to work with others because there will always be someone that they need to work with. Next, a strong work ethic is a component that will help anyone succeed because that is what a company will be looking for in their employees. Also, a passion makes everything better because then there is a chance to enjoy the job and that in itself make the whole operation run smoothly. Last, a willingness to try something new even if it might fail because that is how new ideas are formed is when people try to change something even if they know it can’t work. The article is clearly focused on giving students the information they need to realize what the y need to accomplish their full potential.


In the article “Rigor Redefined” by Tony Wagner, talks about what students need to prepare for to be successful in any career with the ability to work with others feeding everything else that goes on in any business. First, the problems that need to be over come through fast and easy collection of information and deciphering all of the information. In the 21st century the way that employees find and work through information will completely change so the students need to think and train with the new ideas so technology doesn’t leave them in the past. Next, the students today need to either adapt to the new ways or they need to step out of the bubble and create a business of their own to help move the world forward. Last, the obvious of being able to work with others in the company even if they don’t like each other because when conflict occurs inside the business walls then the company just can’t and won’t succeed. The company should feel comfortable with each other to help the company move forward smoothly. Clearly the way business works is changing and the students need to be ready to succeed in any jobs that they get.


In the article “Footprints in the Digital age” by Will Richardson, he talks about how the digital footprint can be worry some to parents because of some minors have done nothing online which leaves no digital footprint to be used. First, parents have three big things, getting their kids through high school, college, and hoping they can get a job. The digital footprints could get in the way of that if their children currently are non-users of the internet. Next, after getting them to use the internet, they have to use it correctly and make everything text book material so they don’t get knocked down for using the internet earlier. Last, students need to be prepared to own the online spaces and use them to the best of their educational abilities. Clearly the digital footprint can put a lot of pressure on what happens online.

Sunday 11 October 2009


In the article “We have the Technology” by Karl Fisch, explains how far technology has come and how far it can be taken through the single new “bionic eye iPhone application” because this is an application on an iPod that can do a bionic eye. First Karl explained where the software is today on the application compared to where we can take the software to improve a device like this. Next, he inferred that this technology could be kind of odd to use if a person could walk up to someone that is not known to the person and know almost everything about them through cross referencing online. Last, this software could be turned into a “GPS” that is always on the owner so that they can locate some place even on foot. Most people only carry “GPS” in the car but what happens when a persons on foot and still is lost and needs to find a certain place. Clearly this is a big deal to be able to use considering all that it can do for a person.

Friday 9 October 2009

PLN 13

I think that the board of education is completely wrong in the article “Keyboard vs. Pen” because I write longer papers when on a computer because it is easier to mess with. First, students don’t like to write really long papers by hand because then they have to go through and edit to re-write the paper where as on the computer they can just edit the paper and have changed the paper without all of the re-writing. Next, I know that when I am on the keyboard I type just as fast as I can write a paper but the difference is that on the computer it is fast but very legible and I don’t have to worry about spelling or sentence structure until after I type the paper and on paper I sit and try to perfect it the first time so I don’t have to keep going back so it takes me longer. Last, with the environment being destroyed at such a fast pace with typing we can send the assignment to our teacher or blog the assignment and help save the environment. Clearly I have a strong stand point that typing is better and easier than writing.

Monday 5 October 2009


In the video “2020 Vision” by Karl Fisch explains how technology is improving and being created every day from the point of view that it has already happened and he is in the future because for the world to know where it is going already is like a plan. The plan lays out what someone wants to happen which will guide what they have to do. First, the technology will all help education become easier and more accessible. Google in the video had programs for text books all the way for high school through a master degree. Google had many other programs to assist the learning system. Next, this hits home because it’s going to affect anyone who is trying to get a better education or is going through for the first time. Last, by 2020 the life standards are supposed to change completely from what they were in 2002 with little electronic materials. The future holds a lot for the human race if we embraced it and don’t try to change and control the future. For more information into the future technology look into “Did you know” by Karl Fisch.